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Badger Sett Closure on major Railway Embankment Stabilisation Scheme


Enims Ltd client VolkerFitzpatrick Ltd are currently undertaking essential stabilisation works on railway embankments, which necessitates the closure of badger setts in the area.

Ensuring the stability of the embankment is crucial for the safety of railway operations and passengers for the long term. While safety is prioritised enims and VolkerFitzpatrick are committed to protecting and preserving the wildlife onsite.

Closing a badger sett under licence involves several careful steps to ensure the safety and welfare of the badgers which is why collaboration between all parties are paramount to its success.

Here’s a general outline of the process on closing a badger sett on an important scheme such as this;

Obtain a Licence: A Licence must be applied for from Natural England to interfere with a badger sett. This is essential as badgers and their setts are protected by law.

Survey and Planning: A thorough survey of the sett must be done to understand its structure and the number of badgers. Develop a detailed method statement outlining the steps for exclusion and closure.

Build an artificial Sett: Building an artificial badger sett is a detailed process that requires careful planning and execution to ensure it meets the needs of the badgers onsite. Encourage the badgers to move into their new home via feeding methods.

Mesh the area and install One-Way Gates: Fit one-way gates at all sett entrances. These gates allow badgers to leave the sett but prevent them from re-entering. This process should be monitored and maintained for at least 21 days to ensure all badgers have safely vacated.

Monitor the Sett: Regularly check the sett for signs of badger activity. Ensure that no badgers are trapped inside and that they have safely relocated.

Close the Sett: Once you are confident that all badgers have left, the sett can be closed. This involves blocking the entrances and ensuring the sett is securely proofed against re-entry.

Destroy the Sett (if necessary): If the sett needs to be destroyed, it should be done as soon as possible after exclusion to prevent badgers from returning.

We are proud to say that the long term planning of this closure alongside the wider VolkerFitzpatrick team with the inevitable bumps along the way (which is what should always be expected when dealing with wild animals!) looks to have been secured before the end of the badger closure season and in order for the stabilisation works begin.

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