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Nature is waking up and we are getting busy!


As we move into April, alot of the protected species we aim to protect are starting to wake up!

HAZEL DORMOUSE(Muscardinus avellanarius)

Dormice are SO sleepy - even when they decide to slope out of hibernation they can be very hard to spot, they are relatively tiny creatures too, with most dormice only measuring 6-9cm when fully grown, which makes the job of our ecologists even harder! Their preferred habitat is woodland and hedgerows. Dormice are a protected species and their population has dramatically declined over the last few decades, Loss of habitat and climate change have all been connected to this loss.

At enims we provide Preliminary Ecological Assessments of all sites to determine the presence or likely absence of dormice - if we do find dormice then we will factor in mitigation to the project to enable it to go ahead without the loss of the dormice and their habitats - we offer watching briefs and fingertip searches of areas where it is considered likely a dormouse may live.

A guide to the life cycle of a dormouse;

January: Dormice are hibernating.

February: Dormice are still hibernating due to temperatures still being too cold.

March: still hibernating however as it warms some activity may be noted depending on the temperature dormice could still be hibernating.

April: Hibernation period is over, and dormice will be active however depending on temperature they could still be hibernating.

May: Dormice are active in foraging and are in shrubs and take advantage of early buds and flowers. Mating can start as early as May with a gestation period of 3 weeks so the first litters can be born early June or late May.

June: First litters tend to be born in early June depending on when mating took place. Up to 7 pups can be born but on average 3-4 are born. After 5 weeks independence is reached.

July: Mating period is still active, and most litters of young are born in this time.

August: Foraging activity for winter intensifies due to approaching hibernation period beginning in October.

September: foraging activity is still high, and dormice begin to make their woven apple sized nests at ground level for hibernation.

October: Hibernation begins in October and continues until April.

November: Hibernation is in full effect.

December: Hibernation.

If your project needs ecological support get in touch with enims today;

02382 127932 - SOUTHAMPTON

01603 573682 - NORWICH

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